Terms and Conditions

  • Disclaimer

    This handbook is the governing document for IBT CE and is designed to inform participants about IBT CE policies and procedures.

    The statements and policies contained in this handbook are for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as a contract between the participant and IBT CE. Participants will be held responsible for the information contained in this handbook.  

    IBT CE reserves the right to make changes to its policies and procedures without informing individual participants. However, reasonable effort will be made on behalf of IBT CE to inform participants of any changes.  

    Technical Information

    IBT CE courses incorporate different types of content and media, such as webinar software, phone conference software, PDF articles, CD-Rom Programs and streaming videos. Participants will need access to a PC computer with Internet Explorer/Google Chrome and should possess the following technical skills:  

    • Reasonable comfort level working on computers
    • Basic keyboarding/typing skills
    • How to run computer applications 
    • Send and receive emails
    • Manage computer files 
    • Use an internet browser

    Course Formats

    IBT CE courses are provided through different formats. Some of the information contained within this handbook may only be applicable to certain CE programs. Upon registration, participants will be notified of specific course formats and technical requirements.

    IBT CE currently offers three types of course formats: Live webinar presentations administered by a qualified instructor involving multiple participants, recorded webinar presentations, and article review. For all of the non-live formats, participants will be required to pass a test in order to receive their certificate.

    Live Webinar Presentations
    • Provided by one or more of the following; PowerPoint, video, case examples, and discussion.  
    • Audio will be provided through a phone conference line for active participation.  

    Recorded CE presentations (non live)
    • Provided by one or more of the following: PowerPoint, video, and case examples.
    • Computer speakers are required. 
    • Required test

    Article Review (non live)
    • Participants will read an approved article from a scholarly journal
    • Required test

    IBT Continuing Education
    Contact information
    Brittney Keeler, IBT CE Administrator
    Institute for Behavioral Training
    5850 Granite Pkwy #600
    Plano, TX 75024
    Email inquires may be sent to training@ibehavioraltraining.com

    Mission Statement
    IBT is the one-stop training hub for individuals that teach, interact with, and care for individuals with autism (ASD). IBT CE programs provide a state-of-the-art learning environment for professional growth and skill refinement.

    IBT Continuing Education

    General Policies and Procedures 
    Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy Statement
    IBT CE is committed to maintaining an environment where participants are treated in a non-discriminatory manner consistent with all applicable federal, state, and local employment opportunity laws. IBT CE maintains that all decisions made in regards to recruitment, policy and procedure implementation, educational program offerings, IBT CE-sponsored activities, and/or employment practices are based on a person’s abilities and qualifications. IBT CE will provide equal opportunity to all staff and participants without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status.

    IBT Continuing Education Department Grievance Procedure
    The IBT Continuing Education Department (IBT CE) conducts its activities in accordance with federal and state laws. IBT CE does not discriminate in any of its activities, including participant recruitment, program content, or in the treatment of program participants. The IBT CE Planning Committee meets monthly to assess continued procedural compliance and to discuss all IBT CE-related business. The IBT CE Grievance Procedure is as follows:

    If the grievance is concerning the content of a IBT CE course/presentation and/or the delivery format of a CE course/presentation, the complainant should first attempt to resolve the matter with their instructor.
    If the grievance is concerning fee payment, fee refund, fee credits, and/or registration, the complainant should attempt to resolve the matter with the IBT CE administrator.
    If the complainant is not able to resolve their issue through the above-described avenues, or if the complainant is not satisfied with the results, they should take the following steps:  
    1. Submit a written account of the grievance to IBT CE Planning Committee.
    • Once the written account is received by CE Planning Committee they will issue a written solution to the complainant within 10 working days.  

    1. If the complainant is not satisfied with the written solution, they must submit a written response to the CE Planning Committee within 10 days of receiving the proposed solution.  
    • Within 20 working days of receiving the written response, the IBT CE Planning Committee will hold an emergency meeting in which the Executive Director and a human resources representative will attend. 
    • The planning committee will devise a written solution and submit it to the complainant within 20 working days of the emergency meeting.

    If the grievance concerns the conduct of any person(s) who is employed by the IBT CE Department, or is in a position of authority over the complainant, the complainant should submit a written account to the IBT Human Resources Department no later than 10 working days following the alleged incident. A IBT Human Resources Representative will contact the complainant to further discuss the matter.

    Code of Conduct
    IBT Continuing Education expects participants to honor the policies and procedures set forth in this handbook. Our goal is to protect and serve CE participants by providing them with reasonable and necessary behavioral standards and guidelines so that they may thrive as professionals and citizens of the global community.
    It is in the best interests of participants to practice and maintain ethical conduct at all times. Participants should maintain the ethical conduct standards related to their profession in addition to the conduct standards outlined in this handbook. IBT CE reserves the right to investigate and take legal action, if necessary, against any participants whose conduct is deemed to be unsatisfactory. Participants will be held accountable for violations of the code of conduct or any other policy as it relates to IBT CE.  

    Violations of the Code of Conduct include, but are not limited to the following:
    • Aiding and abetting others to violate IBT CE policy;
    • Obstructing teaching activities; aiding and abetting others to disrupt teaching activities;
    • Engaging in any form of discrimination or harassment, verbal and/or written threats of violence or bodily harm, stalking, intimidation, humiliation, harassment, and/or coercion; threatening or endangering the health of IBT CE faculty, administrative staff, and/or other participants. 
    • Failing to comply with verbal and/or written direction from IBT CE faculty and/or administrative staff it pertains to the scope of their responsibilities; • Failing to respect the privacy of fellow participants, and/or IBT CE faculty and administrative staff;
    • Providing false information to fellow participants, IBT CE faculty and administrative staff;
    • Falsifying, altering, stealing, or misusing IBT CE property, or property owned by fellow participants, IBT CE faculty and/or administrative staff;
    • Duplicating and/or distributing IBT CE-issued software without written permission from IBT CE;
    • Failing to comply with federal copyright laws which forbid the copying or alteration of copyright materials;
    • Unauthorized use of another participant’s identification.

    Electronic Communication- Netiquette
    At IBT CE, the majority of communication between participants and administrators is electronic. Electronic communication can sometimes be misinterpreted as offensive because tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language are missing. It’s important to keep in mind that any perceived slight may not be intentional. IBT CE has established some helpful guidelines to create and maintain effective electronic communication. Participants will be held responsible in all areas of electronic communication in accordance with the Code of Conduct.  

    Suggested guidelines to follow:
    • Don’t write anything you would not say in person.
    • Adopt the assumption that a fellow participant’s intentions are good.
    • Be respectful and courteous at all times.
    • Refrain from using comments that could possibly be discriminatory in nature in the form of:
    • Verbal abuse
    • Slander
    • Obscenities/jokes
    • Threats
    • Sexual references
    • Racial slurs

    Academic Integrity Statement
    IBT CE Academic Integrity Policy is designed to establish a reasonable and comprehensive set of standards by which violations can be measured. We value honesty in all areas of learning and believe that a reputable academic community finds its strength in a solid foundation of purposeful learning, the open exchange of ideas, and academic honesty. It is our duty to create and maintain an environment that resonates with social, ethical, and intellectual excellence. IBT CE expects all participants to adhere to high standards of integrity by displaying mature and ethical behaviors. In addition, CE faculty may further address academic standards in the course syllabus.

    Registration and Payment 
    Live Courses:
    Live Course listings on the IBT CE website include the date and name of the course, along with the number of credit hours awarded once the participant completes the course.

    The “Register Now” link will direct you to a PayPal site for payment for that specific course.

    Payment in full is required upon registration. Once payment is secured, participants will receive a confirmation email acknowledging payment, along with details as to when participants will receive course instructions.

    Recorded Courses:
    Recorded course listings on the IBT CE website include the name of the course and the number of credit hours awarded, a brief course description, a link to the required quiz, and a link titled- “Buy Now”.
    The “Buy Now” link will direct you to a PayPal site for payment for that specific course.
    Payment in full is required upon registration. Once payment is secured, participants will receive a confirmation email acknowledging payment, along with details as to when participants will receive course instructions.
    A CD-Rom disc with the recorded presentation will be mailed to the participant within 5 business days.
    After the participant views the recorded presentation, they are required to complete a quiz in which they must score of 80% or above to receive credit. A quiz link will be provided for recorded courses.
    The quiz results will automatically be emailed to the IBT CE Program Administrator, who will then issue a CE Certificate.

    Article Review:
    Approved article listings on the IBT CE website include the title of the article, a link to the actual journal article, number of credit hours awarded, a link to the required quiz, and a link titled- “Buy Now.”
    The “Buy Now” link will direct you to a PayPal site for payment for that specific article.
    Payment in full is required upon purchase. Once payment is secured, and the participants attains a quiz score of 80% or above, they will receive a confirmation email and a CE Certificate will be mailed to the participants address on record.
    Participants must read the entire article and pass the quiz in order to receive CE credit.

    Fee Refunds
    Participants have no less than three business days prior to the CE event, to request a full refund. Any refund requests received less than three days prior to the event, will not be granted.
    Participants should direct their refund request in writing, to: training@ibehavioraltraining.com
    IBT CE will provide a refund within 14 business days.
    If the participant requests a refund less than three days prior to the event, the participant has the option to transfer the payment to another IBT CE event. If IBT CE cancels the course for any reason, participants will receive a full refund. Refunds will not be made in the case of non-attendance.

    Awarding Credit
    The methods of awarding continuing education credits and maintaining records of completion may differ with each governing board in which IBT is an approved CE provider. IBT CE assures all involved parties that its methods of awarding credit and maintaining records of completion are in accordance with the policies of the related governing boards.
    After verified completion of the CE presentation, participants requiring CE certification will receive a certificate of earned continuing education units within 30 days of the CE completion.
    If participants are not certified or licensed through a specific certification of licensure governing board they will not automatically receive a certificate of completion, as it is not required. In these cases, participants may request a general certificate of attendance, and one will be provided within 30 days of the request. To request a general certificate of attendance, please email training@ibehavioraltraining.com
    IBT CE strives to provide high quality continuing education units to professionals. We encourage all feedback, comments, and suggestions as this only helps us in the development of future CE presentations.
    After completion of each course, participants will be emailed a feedback form. We hope that all participants will take a few minutes to complete this form and return it to training@ibehavioraltraining.com

    Records Retention
    IBT CE processes and maintains all continuing education participant records for a minimum of three years.

    Grading Policy

    Grading Criteria
    Grades are issued to continuing education participants by the continuing education instructor to give a measurement of:
    • Attendance and participation;
    • Completion of the CE course content specifications. 

    Grading System
    P/F(pass/fail) Pass indicates satisfactory completion of the units, and Fail indicates unsatisfactory completion units. A Pass score for any CE course is 80% or above. A Fail score is 79% or below.
    Participants may immediately re-attempt quizzes in these courses if they do not pass, and if they obtain a grade of pass, the fail will be dropped from their permanent record.

    Grade Reporting
    The participant and the CE Administrator will be automatically notified of the participant’s quiz score once the quiz has been completed.
    The CE Administrator will also keep record of all participants’ scores.

    Attendance and Participation
    In keeping with our mission to provide excellent service to professionals in need of continuing education, IBT CE asserts that attendance is crucial.
    Participants are required to login 10 minutes prior to the start of the CE presentation to ensure that software updates are installed. First-time participants are encouraged to go to the webinar site one day prior to the presentation and download any recommended software updates.
    In order to receive CE units, participants must attend the entire length of the presentation. Partial credit is not granted. The instructor will take role at the beginning and end of the presentation, and also anytime during the presentation. Participant’s start and end times will be logged electronically through the Webinar software.
    During the presentation, active participation is encouraged. Participants should engage in discussion by asking questions when appropriate.
    Participants should limit any background noise and put their phone on mute, as these things may disrupt the learning process.

    IBT Continuing Education

    Board-Certified Behavior Analysts and Assistant Behavior Analysts 

    IBT is an Accredited Continuing Education (ACE) Provider of Type II continuing education units for Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) and Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts (BCaBA).

    The continuing education presentations are designed for BCBA and BCaBA, but any person is allowed to Participate in these courses.

    Please visit our website at:www.ibehavioraltraining.com for updated CE course offerings.  

    Current CE Requirements
    Board-Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) 
    Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)