Supervisor eLearning

  • Healthcare & Human Services / BCBA & BCaBA / Supervisor eLearning

  • NEW - Ethics for Professionals in Behavioral and Allied Sciences (4 CEs) CE $70.00
    Autism: History and Culture of Autism and Autism Treatment $12.50
    Autism: Typical Child Development CE $17.50
    Diagnosis and Assessment: Understanding the Assessments Your Client May Receive $25.00
    Research and Treatment: Review of Research on Intensive Intervention $12.50
    Research and Treatment: Other Treatments Outside the Scope of ABA $12.50
    Applying Effective Programming: Prioritizing Treatment Targets CE $52.50
    Applying Effective Programming: Visual Modifications CE $35.00
    Ethics and Professionalism: Ethics CE $52.50
    Executive Function - Curriculum Overview CE $17.50
    Functional Behavior Assessments CE $17.50
    Motivating Operations- Promoting Skill Acquisition & Decreasing Challenging Behavior $12.50
    Practical Strategies for Teaching Executive Function Skills CE $43.75
    Experimental Functional Analysis $18.75
    Designing Functional Treatment Programs CE $43.75
    Troubleshooting Intensive ABA Programs - When an Individual Isn't Learning CE $17.50
    Creating Behavior Intervention Plans - A Review of Common Treatments and Procedures $18.75
    Effective Programming and Strategies for Conversation Training CE $35.00
    Components of Effective, Evidence-Based Supervisory Practices CE $61.25
    Teaching Perspective Taking Skills to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) CE $43.75
    Teaching Rule-Governed Behavior to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) CE $18.75
    Leading By Example: A Review of the Ethics Guidelines Regarding Behavior Analytic Supervision CE $26.25